MLM, Mindset, & Mastery

Rina Gets Real
2 min readApr 3, 2021

It’s so crazy where you find yourself…when your mindset and mantra is “people helping people”!!

“What have you been up to Rina?” heh, heh

I’ve been working really hard with my partner, Don Lewis. And we are currently building an incredible AUTOMATED and PREBUILT system for #homebasedbusiness seekers.

We wanted to GUARANTEE success and make it less scary to invest in starting something new so we are designing it with:

Don Lewis & Rina Shaffer

- explainer videos

- step-by-step videos

- digital downloads

- templates

- and plug-n-play funnels.

It will train ANYONE to know exactly what to do to START and GROW a REAL business and achieve REAL freedom without:

- bugging a single family member or friend into a guilt purchase

- putting together lame “parties”

- hijacking their social media w/ posts about a mysterious miracle product

- weirdly striking up a convo w/ strangers at the gas station or coffee shop

- stalking Facebook groups for hours to “build a connection” before pitching them only to find out they aren’t interested

As I have PERSONALLY discovered, getting in with that sort of “deal” is trading one hell (the 9 to 5) with another (“get comfortable with NO”).

This will have NONE, ZERO, ZIP of that!

Nor will you be left to blindly stumble around in the dark.

Naturally, I included my Syncroshift program with it too…so…

If you’re ready for a HUGE change… LIFE ALTERING…dare I say…

Leave any questions in the comments below!

Or go check out!



Rina Gets Real

Hi! My name is Rina Shaffer. I’m a mom entrepreneur through and through. Happiness through mental, spiritual, & physical health and abundance is my thing.